About Us/Sobre Nosotros
Nuestro Programa DI/Our DI Program
Nuestro Programa DI/Our DI Program![]()
Nuestro Programa DI/Our DI Program
Beamer Park Elementary has offered Dual Immersion since 1985. In our program, 50% of the day is taught in English and 50% in Spanish, TK-6.
English speaking students are immersed in Spanish within a supportive environment. Specially designed lessons incorporate optimal learning strategies that make the instruction comprehensible. Students learn to communicate with their teachers who serve as their language models.
Spanish speaking students develop their primary language skills while acquiring English instruction.
The opportunity for interaction among students accelerates language growth in Spanish and English and enhances cross-cultural understanding for all students. The Dual Immersion Program encourages natural and authentic second language development.
The opportunity for interaction among students accelerates language growth in Spanish and English and enhances cross-cultural understanding for all students. The Dual Immersion Program encourages natural and authentic second language development.
Los alumnos que hablan español reciben instrucción en inglés en un ambiente de apoyo y seguridad. Las lecciones son especialmente diseñadas e incorporan técnicas de enseñanza óptimas que les ayudan a comprender la instrucción. Los alumnos aprenden a comunicarse con sus compañeros y maestros, los cuales les sirven como modelos del idioma inglés.
Los alumnos que hablan español tienen la oportunidad de desarrollar destrezas en su primer idioma mientras desarrollan el inglés.
Las oportunidades para interactuar entre compañeros acelera su desarollo de lenguaje en español e inglés y aumenta el entendimiento transcultural para todos los alumnos. El programa de inmersión dual fomenta el desarollo natural y auténtico de un segundo idioma.
Our Vision:
Beamer Park Elementary School staff provides our students with a challenging, high quality, standards-based learning program that empowers them to become critical thinkers, scholars, productive citizens and leaders within a diverse, multicultural community.
Our Vision:![]()
Beamer Park Elementary School staff provides our students with a challenging, high quality, standards-based learning program that empowers them to become critical thinkers, scholars, productive citizens and leaders within a diverse, multicultural community.
Our Mission:
Our Mission:![]()
Our students develop high levels of academic proficiency in both English and Spanish and an appreciation for linguistic and cultural diversity. Beamer staff, students and parents hold high expectations for each member of our school community and model behaviors/lifeskills that are cooperative, respectful, and responsible in order to create a safe, supportive learning environment for all, while celebrating our achievements.

Estandares Personales de Comportamiento
Estandares Personales de Comportamiento![]()
Estandares Personales de Comportamiento / Personal Standards of Behavior
Responsabilidad ~ Responsibility
Respeto ~ Respect
Seguridad ~ Safety
Cooperación ~ Cooperation
Respeto ~ Respect
Seguridad ~ Safety
Cooperación ~ Cooperation
Las Destrezas de la vida apoyan a los Estadares personales con nombrar las características que queremos ayudarles a desarrollar. En los siguientes meses nos enfocaremos especialmente en estas Destrezas de la Vida:
Life Skills support the Personal Standards by naming character traits we encourage students to develop. In the following months we focus especially on these individual LIFESKILLS:
– Paciencia ~ Patience
– Iniciativa ~ Initiative
– Afecto ~ Caring
– Orgullo ~ Pride
– Flexibilidad ~ Flexibility
– Cooperación ~ Cooperation
– Valor ~ Courage
– Ingenio ~ Resourcefulness
Cuando los estudiantes esten usando sus Destrezas de la Vida les daremos un boleto. Todos los jueves tendremos la tienda estudiantil donde podrán intercambiar sus boletos para comprar diferentes premios.
When students are using their LIFESKILLS we will give them a ticket. Every Thursday we will hold the student store where students can exchange their tickets for different prizes.
– Paciencia ~ Patience
– Iniciativa ~ Initiative
– Afecto ~ Caring
– Orgullo ~ Pride
– Flexibilidad ~ Flexibility
– Cooperación ~ Cooperation
– Valor ~ Courage
– Ingenio ~ Resourcefulness
Cuando los estudiantes esten usando sus Destrezas de la Vida les daremos un boleto. Todos los jueves tendremos la tienda estudiantil donde podrán intercambiar sus boletos para comprar diferentes premios.
When students are using their LIFESKILLS we will give them a ticket. Every Thursday we will hold the student store where students can exchange their tickets for different prizes.
- About Us/Sobre Nosotros
- About Us/Sobre Nosotros
- Inmersión recíproca / Dual Language
- Historia/History
- Biblioteca / Library
- Enlaces / Links
- Orientations/Orientaciones
- Programas/Programs
- ASES Program/Programa de ASES
- Horario de clases / Bell Schedule
- School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
- School Wide Plan for Student Achievement
- ELAC/ School Site Council