Inmersión recíproca / Dual Language
¿Qué es la Inmersión recíproca? What is Two-Way (or Dual) Immersion Education?
¿Qué es la Inmersión recíproca? What is Two-Way (or Dual) Immersion Education?![]()
La inmersión recíproca combina dos modelos de enseñanza de idiomas: un programa de inmersión en Inglés para anglo-hablantes y un modelo bilingüe de mantenimiento para los Aprendices de Inglés. Los estudiantes de los dos grupos lingüísticos asisten a clase juntos, aprenden unos de los otros y se apoyan mutuamente la adquisición del segundo idioma. Ambos grupos de estudiantes desarrollan la competencia lingüística y académica en dos idiomas: su idioma nativo y uno más. (Para leer más sobre la inmersión recíproca, pulse aquí: CalOrg
Two-Way Bilingual Immersion blends two language education models: an immersion program for English-only speakers and a bilingual maintenance model for English learners. Students from the two language groups attend class together, learning from one another and supporting each other's second language acquisition. Both groups of students develop linguistic and academic competence in two languages: their native language and one more. (from the CABE website - to read more, click on this link: Two-Way CABE )
Two-Way Bilingual Immersion blends two language education models: an immersion program for English-only speakers and a bilingual maintenance model for English learners. Students from the two language groups attend class together, learning from one another and supporting each other's second language acquisition. Both groups of students develop linguistic and academic competence in two languages: their native language and one more. (from the CABE website - to read more, click on this link: Two-Way CABE )

- About Us/Sobre Nosotros
- About Us/Sobre Nosotros
- Inmersión recíproca / Dual Language
- Historia/History
- Biblioteca / Library
- Enlaces / Links
- Orientations/Orientaciones
- Programas/Programs
- ASES Program/Programa de ASES
- Horario de clases / Bell Schedule
- School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
- School Wide Plan for Student Achievement
- ELAC/ School Site Council
Aquí hay enlaces para leer más sobre la inmersión recíproca:
Here are links for further reading about dual immersion:
- Wikipedia article in English
- Artículo sobre inmersión
- Information on Immersion programs at the California Department of Education
- From Two-Way CABE
- La prensa, New York Times, ha publicado un artículo sobre los beneficios del bilingüismo. Oprime aquí para leerlo.
The New York Times has published an article on the benefits of bilingualism. Click here to read.
La prensa, New York Times, ha publicado un artículo sobre los beneficios del bilingüismo. Oprime aquí para leerlo.
The New York Times has published an article on the benefits of bilingualism. Click here to read.
WJUSD State Seal of Biliteracy
WJUSD State Seal of Biliteracy![]()
The Governing Board desires to publicly recognize students who have demonstrated proficiency in one or more world languages in addition to English in order to ensure broader intercultural understanding and career opportunities. The district shall present the State Seal of Biliteracy to each graduating high school student who has attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition to English. (Education Code 51460-51464).
The district shall affix the seal of biliteracy to the diploma in recognition of the student’s accomplishments and this achievement shall be noted on the student’s transcript. At the discretion of the school principal, students may wear a medallion and/or sash during graduation ceremony depicting their exemplary accomplishments in biliteracy.
For more information, see criteria attached and contact your high school site counselor or EL specialist to complete an intent form.
Seal of Biliteracy Requirements/Requisitos para el Sello Bilingüe