Library: California K-12 Digital Resources
California K-12 Digital Resources
Online content from Encyclopaedia Britannica, Gale, ProQuest, and TeachingBooks are available — at school, at home, in libraries, on laptops, on phones — to all.
These digital resources are provided for all California students from the California State Library.
Encyclopaedia Britannica (PreK-12)
A comprehensive interactive resource for research and learning for grades K-12. Includes correlations to California Content Standards and other valuable teacher resources. Post links directly to each school level, elementary, middle or high.
For access from Home or Offsite use the following credentials:
Access ID: woodland
Passcode: wjusd
Need help from Britannica? See our support page. (800) 621-3900 x 7160 |
TeachingBooks (PreK-12)
One stop provides resources for books you are reading and teaching, including author and illustrator interviews, lesson plans, and other enrichment content.
Need help from TeachingBooks? See our support page. 510-239-7391 |
Gale (Grades K-12)
Gale STEAM resources provide essential, curriculum-aligned digital content for California K-12 learners. Include links to resources for elementary, middle and high school content.
Please note: If you wish to have location specific URLs for your school please visit:
- Gale In Context: Environmental Studies - Understand environmental issues that affect people globally through topic overviews, journals, news, and multimedia content.
- Gale Interactive: Science - Manipulate 3D interactive models to visualize and understand concepts in biology, chemistry, earth, and space science
- Gale Presents: National Geographic Kids - Explore amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space.
Need help from Gale See our support page. 800-877.4253 option 3 |
ProQuest (Grades 3-12)
* The icons above and main links below work for accessing these resources on your school campus. Students and staff with the district/school's off-campus access name and access codes should use the "Off-Campus Access" links below when using from public libraries or other non-school locations.
- CultureGrams - Concise social, cultural, and political information on countries, U.S. states, and provinces around the world. (Grades 3-12)
CultureGrams Off-Campus Access - SIRS Discoverer - A general reference database providing safe, reliable, curriculum-aligned content and features for use by students and educators. (Grades 3-9)
SIRS Discoverer Off-Campus Access - SIRS Issues Researcher - Pros and cons on 360+ (and growing) complex social issues with relevant, credible information that tells the whole story on the major questions of the day. (Grades 6+)
SIRS Issues Researcher Off-Campus Access - eLibrary - Guided Research edition delivers one of the largest general reference collections of periodical and digital media content including more than 11,000 Research Topics (Grades 6+)
eLibrary Guided Research Off-Campus Access - eLibrary - Database Edition General reference aggregation of periodical and digital media content with editorial guidance for novice researchers. (Grades 6+)
eLibrary Database Edition Off-Campus Access - ProQuest Central Student - designed to bring instant results to users across thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers, videos, reports, and more. This resource brings together some of ProQuest's most used databases in education, humanities, psychology, science, social sciences, and news. (Grades 9+, IB, AP, College Prep)
Central Student Off-Campus Access - ProQuest Research Companion - a self-guided product that supports information literacy, writing, and research skills instruction.(Grades 8+)
Research Companion Off-Campus Access
For access from Home or Offsite use the following credentials:
Username: HC8J5D4PYU
Password: 4H9?Y4#D
Need help from ProQuest? See our support page. 800-521-0600 |
(For onsite access)For access from Home or Offsite use the following credentials:
Username: ca09043
Password: ca09043
- About Us/Sobre Nosotros
- About Us/Sobre Nosotros
- Inmersión recíproca / Dual Language
- Historia/History
- Biblioteca / Library
- Enlaces / Links
- Orientations/Orientaciones
- Programas/Programs
- ASES Program/Programa de ASES
- Horario de clases / Bell Schedule
- School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
- School Wide Plan for Student Achievement
- ELAC/ School Site Council