Atlas cultural / Cultural Atlas
Países de habla español / Spanish-Speaking Countries
Países de habla español / Spanish-Speaking Countries![]()
- Wikipedia en español - América Latina
- Wikipedia in English - Latin America
- Índice de países
- Países de América Latina
Países de habla inglés / English-Speaking Countries
Países de habla inglés / English-Speaking Countries![]()
- Desert Region of California – Wikipedia article
- Coastal Region of California – Wikipedia article
- Sierra Nevada in Califonia – Wikipedia article
- California Regions – Wikipedia
- Central Valley of California – Wikipedia
- Topographical Map of California
- Map of the California Regions
- Wikipedia page on Native Americans (click on the tribe for more information)
Geografía de los estados unidos / United States Geography
Geografía de los estados unidos / United States Geography![]()
Las 13 colonias originales / The Original 13 Colonies
Las 13 colonias originales / The Original 13 Colonies![]()
Geografía mundial / World Geography
Geografía mundial / World Geography![]()
- Atlas de la diversidad - Atlas cultural creado por clases alrededor del mundo
- Aerial map of Mesopotamia - Most of Mesopotamia, also called the Cradle of Life, is in modern-day Iraq and Syria. A large brown and green area at the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (right center) is the Marshlands of Mesopotamia, home of the Madan, the Marsh Arabs.
- Wikipedia article on Mesopotamia
- Sitio de lenguaje y cultura para el aprendizaje de español:
- About Us/Sobre Nosotros
- About Us/Sobre Nosotros
- Inmersión recíproca / Dual Language
- Historia/History
- Biblioteca / Library
- Enlaces / Links
- Orientations/Orientaciones
- Programas/Programs
- ASES Program/Programa de ASES
- Horario de clases / Bell Schedule
- School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
- School Wide Plan for Student Achievement
- ELAC/ School Site Council
Civilizaciones antiguas / Ancient Civilizations
Civilizaciones antiguas / Ancient Civilizations![]()
Egipto / Egypt
- Artículo Wikipedia sobre Antiguo Egipto
- Wikipedia article about Ancient Egypt
- Investigación sobre Egipto
- The British Museum website on Ancient Egypt
- The Ancient Egypt Site
- History of Egypt for Kids
- Website for kids
Sitios encontrado por la clase de Maestro Coronado - ¡Gracias! :
- Minnesota State University Museum website on Ancient Egyptian Culture (js)
- Wikipedia article on the Book of the Dead (ao)
- Life in Ancient Egypt website (bj)
- If you are studying Horus - the Wikipedia page on Horus (ya)
- If you want information on Ancient Egypt's writing and their gods, look at this cool page (dm)